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Our Approach

Lioness in Tanzanian landscape

Wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate across Africa. Many species, such as lions, require huge landscapes including land relied on by local people and livestock. Where people and lions overlap, lions impose significant costs for communities, mainly through attacks on livestock, which are vital economic and cultural assets. Conflict arises, and large carnivores are killed, wherever these costs outweigh the economic and cultural benefits from wildlife presence.

Our vision is for people and wildlife to thrive in healthy landscapes

Lions playing

Our mission is to make large carnivore conservation valuable to local and global communities

community members

We believe in creating a world where large carnivores are an asset to the local people who live alongside them. When the value of wildlife, right up to these top predators, can be unlocked and realised, both people and nature will benefit. Communities can develop more resilient livelihoods. Landscapes become more connected. Biodiversity of all kinds will thrive. Lions and other carnivores can therefore play a key role in unlocking a better future for communities, wildlife, and the environment we all depend on.

We are committed to developing community-based solutions to enable better coexistence between people and wildlife, particularly large carnivores. We integrate local knowledge and experience with world-class science to deliver effective, evidence-based conservation. Our collaborative, locally-driven approach allows us to create lasting solutions for both people and wildlife, helping support large, diverse landscapes

Together, these actions should increase the willingness of local people to engage in coexistence. We believe that effective actions require accurate, locally contextualised knowledge. We help generate that knowledge and communicate it widely to improve conservation.

We believe that positive value is developed through three interrelated areas of action:

We need to stop the loss of wildlife and habitat so it remains to be valued.


​We need to reduce the costs brought about by large carnivores to reduce pressure on people. ​


​​We need to increase the local benefits of the presence of large carnivores. 


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