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The Laikipia Lion Rangers take part in the Wildlife Ranger Challenge!

Meet The Laikipia Lion Rangers

The Laikipia Lion Rangers are a partnership project between Lion Landscapes and Laikipia ranches and conservancies. Vital to our conservation success, these heroes on the ground are specially trained and equipped to help save wild lions by protecting livestock from attacks by lions and other predators, and stopping the retaliatory killing of lions, particularly using poisonous pesticides. Lion Rangers are also trained to collect important monitoring data, helping to constantly evaluate conservation efforts. Eight Lion Ranger units currently protect lions and livestock across 8 different wildlife ranches and conservancies, and neighbouring pastoral communities.

The Wildlife Ranger Challenge

Sadly, in this time of conservation recession caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Ranger jobs across Africa are at risk. To raise funds, Ranger teams spanning the African continent are joining forces in the Wildlife Ranger Challenges coordinated by Tusk to bring thousands of their counterparts back to the field. The Laikipia Lion Rangers team has been busy completing various challenges, all with the goal of training for the big 21k run on the 3rd of October. On this date, they will run 21 km across Laikipia, carrying a backpack of 25kg, tracking their route on Strava. The times of the first 4 Rangers will be averaged and sent to the Wildlife Ranger Challenge to see where the Lion Rangers team ranks amongst the 50 different ranger teams that are taking part all over Africa.

In the build-up to the half-marathon on the 3rd of October, the Rangers will be competing in the 4 mini-challenges every Monday which all contribute towards their training. Our record holder for the first challenge, the 2-minute push-up, was Rianto from Borana Conservancy who managed 52 in 2-minutes! 

The winner of the second challenge, the 2 minute Sit-Up Challenge, was won by Boniface from Loisaba Conservancy, who impressed everybody with 87 sit-ups!

We have finished two of the challenges, but see the Agenda below to find out when the rest of the challenges are taking place.

Challenges over the next few weeks:

Monday 14 September:

Training Activity: 2 minute Burpees

Monday 21 September:

Mental Activity: Ranger Quiz

Sunday 3 October:

Race Day!

A message from our Teamleader, Boniface from Loisaba Conservancy 

“I love doing the work I do as a Lion Ranger, as it protects the wildlife and protects their rights” 

How can you support us? Donate, run, share!

Please support our rangers from wherever you are in the world by taking part in the following:


Save wild lions and sponsor the Lion Rangers by donating through our just giving page.

Help us reach our goal of £5,000. Every donation you give us will be matched by Tusk.

Run With Rangers:

On October 3rd lace up your shoes and walk or run in solidarity with hundreds of African Rangers over 5, 10 or 21km run. Register here. If you have donated to Lion Landscapes, then please wear yellow to show your solidarity with the Lion Rangers. Don’t forget to tag us in your race updates!


Please share our message on social media and tag us. Help bring Rangers back to the field so they can help protect our wildlife for future generations!

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