The Ruaha Landscape in Tanzania

About Ruaha
Tanzania’s Rungwa-Ruaha landscape covers over 50,000km2 and supports one of the largest remaining lion populations in the world, as well as globally important populations of cheetahs and African wild dogs. The heart of the landscape is the Ruaha National Park, which at over 20,000km2 is the second largest in East Africa. Though we conduct some ecological research within the Park, most of our work occurs on village land to the south-east of the Park, in particular two community Wildlife Management Areas. The village land supports over 40,000 people, many of whom rely heavily on livestock, so this area has traditionally had high rates of human-carnivore conflict and carnivore killings.
In this landscape we work closely with local communities to effectively reduce human-carnivore conflict which is one of the most severe and rapidly growing threats facing wildlife today, and has major impacts on local people.
We also work with partners in Tanzania and across the world to gather baseline data on carnivore numbers and ecology, in order to help develop appropriate conservation strategies. Our ecological research has led to several scientific publications and has provided vital information for the conservation planning of large carnivores in Tanzania.