Sharing knowledge
Maintaining open channels of knowledge exchange with our partners and stakeholders enables us to co-develop effective conservation programmes, assess their ongoing impacts and ensure all partners remain engaged, enabled and coordinated in their implementation.
Our array of community outreach programmes are designed to facilitate information and knowledge exchange with our community partners, supported by our Community Liaisons, who exchange knowledge with their communities on a daily basis and support the implementation of anything learned.

Additionally, knowledge sharing forms a core part of our programmes. For example, our Fortified livestock enclosures work includes demonstrations, access to materials and support in building livestock enclosures that help prevent predation; our Lion Friendly Livestock programme actively shares information on sustainable rangeland management practices and builds financial awareness among pastoralist people to help reduce reliance on livestock; the Lion Ranger programme provides training for rangers to help them address human-carnivore conflict; Poison Awareness Training enables community members and liaisons to protect the health of their communities and environment through stopping the mis-use of poisons to kill wildlife. Additionally, our research teams work with government and NGO partners to provide training on various scientific methodologies, and share applicable results from our research.
Whether it is during a community household visit, film night, workshop, training event, stakeholder meeting, publication of a scientific paper, or a roadside conversation, continuously working to share as much knowledge as possible allows everyone to make informed decisions that amplify conservation impacts.