Catching up with Lion Landscapes
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Newsletter Archive
July 2024
The evolution of our Community Camera Trapping Programme
A Creative Approach to Wildlife Conservation Communication
Supporting Communities through Financial Literacy Training
Supporting landscape partners to manage their own data
Insights gained from collared lions in Selous-Nyerere
A focus on Selous-Nyerere’s African Wild dogs
January 2023
Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Expansion of the Lion Ranger Programme
Predator Proofing Bomas
Developing Conservation Contracts
Exciting research shows expanded range for cheetah and African wild dog range in the Ruaha-Rungwa landscape
Large carnivore assessment in Southern Tanzania
Ol Maisor Lion Rangers, Third in 2022 Wildlife Ranger Challenge
Football tournament, Ruaha
April 2024
Piloting Virtual Fences for Lions in Laikipia
Grounds for Hope: Regenerative Agriculture's Role in Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife’s Return on Investment: Community Benefits Delivered by CCT+
Celebrating Conservation with Culture
Supporting Corridor Monitoring in Southern Tanzania
From Kenya to Tanzania - Lion Landscapes Team Collaboration
July 2023
Lion Density Analysis & Interpretation Workshop
Lion & Leopard Action Plan Workshop
Knowledge sharing - key to successful and collaborative conservation
Expanding Lion Ranger Work to Community Lands
Lion Rangers participating in Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2023
Communities Embracing Carnivore Presence
January 2022
WildCRU Directorship
Introducing new board member: Caroline Chepkwony
Sharing ideas across landscapes
TAWIRI Conference
Unlocking the value of wildlife in the Ruaha Landscape
Landscape-scale assessment of large carnivores in Selous GR
Outreach programme in the Selous Landscape
Collaring lions on Mugie conservancy, Laikipia
First LEOs trained
Research into alternative finance mechanisms
January 2024
CCT+: Black leopard and other wildlife sightings build resilience for communities during climate extremes in Laikipia
Supporting women to become conservation leaders in their communities
Building resilience through working together
Supporting increased capacity of local wildlife authorities
Spotted hyaena less resilient to human pressures than thought
July 2022
Strengthening Knowledge Sharing Between our Project Areas
Building Local Understanding of Tanzania’s Large Carnivores
Field Course: Human-Wildlife Coexistence and Savanna Ecology
Sharing Knowledge with Conservationists in DRC
Lion Friendly Livestock Certification Kick-Off
Collared Lion Settles in Meru National Park
October 2021
Launch of our first Conservation Contract
New Programme: the Lion Extension Officers
One more Spotted Hyaena collared in village land
The fate of lions and vultures is intricately linked
Human-Wildlife Conflict work continues in Rufiji District
Community Camera-Trapping generates record points in Zambia
Meet the team: Grace Mainaa